荣誉董事会 & Student Conduct

“I pledge to respect the ideas, well being, and property of others.”

的 Spirit of the Honor Code

的 Washington College Honor Code was established by vote of the faculty and students in 1976 and reaffirmed in 1987.  In 1994, the Honor Code was redrafted to reflect student and faculty sentiment that a single code should address both academic and social conduct.

的 Washington College Honor Code sets standards for the entire College community. 的 intention of the Honor Code is to encourage honest academic achievement and the highest standard of social conduct in all members of the institution. Those who agree to this honor system promise to uphold it and abide by it. All students are required to sign the Honor Code upon enrollment at Washington College, signifying that they have read and understood the Honor Code, that they are willing to abide by its principles, and that they understand the penalties they may incur if they violate the Code.

Purpose of the 荣誉董事会

的 荣誉董事会 is charged with hearing cases of alleged violations of the Washington College Honor Code. 的re are two kinds of violations; academic and social.  荣誉 董事会 hears cases of both academic and social violations. 的 Provost's Office determines which academic cases are referred to the 荣誉董事会,and the Student Affairs Office determines which social cases are referred. 

Structure of the 荣誉董事会

的 Student Government Association  Review 董事会 appoints nine students to serve as members of the 荣誉董事会.  的 教师 elects six faculty members to serve as members of the 荣誉董事会.  At any given hearing, students and faculty members comprise the hearing panel and determine whether a student is responsible for violating the Honor Code and, if so, assign sanctions.  In cases of alleged sexual misconduct, a subset of the Honor Boaard will hear those cases (see section below on Hearing Bodies).  Advisory members of the 董事会 are the Assistant Dean for Curricular Enrichment, or designee, the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, or designee, and the Honor 董事会主席.

Chair 2024-2025: Heather Fabritze ‘25

的 Chair of the 荣誉董事会 is a student nominated by the Student Government Association Review 董事会.  这把椅子 presides over all meetings of the 荣誉董事会 and reports activities of the Honor 董事会 to the SGA.  这把椅子 works with the Assistant Dean of Curricular Enhancement an the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs to ensure that proper procedures are followed in the adjudication of all cases.

Vice-Chair 2024–2025: Prof. 朱莉遗嘱

的 Vice Chair of the 荣誉董事会 is a faculty member elected by the other faculty members of the 荣誉董事会 and serves as liaison between faculty and the 荣誉董事会.

的 Interim Dean of Students, Greg Krikorian, as designated by the Vice President of Student Affairs, has primary responsibility to coordinate all aspects of responding to social violations of the Honor Code as refers cases to appropriate bodies for adjudication.

的 TBD, as designated by the Provost and Dean of the College, has primary responsibility to coordinate all aspects of responding to academic violations of the Honor Code and works with the 教师 Coordinator for Academic Integrity to refer cases to appropriate bodies for adjudication.

Normally, to proceed with a hearing, the 荣誉董事会 Chair or their designee, three student members, two faculty members and the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs or their designee must be present.  However, in some instances (with the consent of 学生 being brought before the 董事会), an Administrative Hearing may proceed without a full board.

When classes are not in session, cases normally referred to the Honor Boaard may be handled by an administrative board as determined by the Interim Dean of Students or Assistant Dean for Curricular Enrichment in consultation with the 荣誉董事会 Chair and Vice-Chair, unless a student requests the case be heard by the 荣誉董事会 when classes resume. 

Other Hearing Bodies/Panels

位置TBD or the 教师 Coordinator can hear cases of alleged academic violations and makes decisions regarding the referral of those violations of the Honor Code to the Honor 董事会.

Interim Dean of Students - 的se members of the Student Affairs Office can hear cases of alleged social violations of the Honor Code and make decisions regarding the referral of those violations to the 荣誉董事会.

Other Administrators - Administrators who have been designated by either the Associate Provost or the Interim Dean of Students may hear cases of alleged violations of the Honor Code either individually or as memers of an Administrative Hearing board.

Conduct Meeting Panel - A small group of 荣誉董事会 members or other administrators, faculty, and students who have experience in adjudicating student conduct cases.

Administrative Panel - A group of administrators, faculty and students who have been designated by either the Associate Provost or the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and who have experience in adjudicating student conduct cases.

第九条 Hearing Panel - Panelists for 第九条 cases are normally current members of the 荣誉董事会 but may also include former 荣誉董事会 members or other faculty and staff who have specialized training and/or experience in adjudicating 第九条 cases.  的 panel hears cases of alleged sexual misconduct and sex discrimination/harassment.  At each hearing, the panel will comprise of three people with at least one faculty member of the Honor 董事会 and at least one student member of the 荣誉董事会.  With the agreement of both the 发牢骚的人 and Responding Party, the faculty/student composition of the panel may be altered.  Members of the 第九条 panels are specially trained to hear these types of cases.

Definition of Terms

Administrative Hearing - Conduct hearing conducted by a trained administrator or faculty representative.

工作日 - Mondays through Fridays, excluding days when the College is officially closed for 业务.

发牢骚的人 - Individual or group who brings initial notice of violation to the attention of College authorities.

Hearing Body -  Refers to either an administrator who serves as a conduct hearing officer or hearing board such as the 荣誉董事会 or an Administrative 董事会.

荣誉董事会 - 的 hearing board composed of students and faculty that hears alleged violation of the Honor Code or other College policies.

More Likely Than Not - 的 standard used at Washington College to find the Respondent responsible.  这 means that 学生 is found responsible if the hearing body believes that it was more likely than not that the alleged violation took place. 

被- - - - - - 的 student or organization charged with a violation of the Honor Code.  的 President and one other officer represent the Respondent in cases involving an organization.


Students are responsible for observing all applicable laws, regulations, and rules of the larger community as well as the Honor Code at all times.  的 College reserves the right to investigate reports of any student misconduct that occurs on or off campus, including during periods between semesters or breaks in enrollment.  If the College becomes aware that a student has been arrested and/or charged with a crime or has engaged in other conduct that is detrimental to the interests of the College or the welfare of others, the College may choose to initiate disciplinary proceedings against 学生.